Ready to SLAY Your Inbox?

By: KEXY Team
September 26, 2024

Stand out in a sea of crowded inboxes with personalization, urgency, and just the right dose of creative levity.

I’m talking to YOU, sales pro. Yes, YOU.

You still rely on email, don’t you? And guess what? That’s not changing anytime soon.

Even with social media and messaging apps, email reigns supreme for prospecting. McKinsey says it’s 40 TIMES more effective at hooking customers than social media.

So, what’s the million-dollar question?

What subject lines actually get people to open?

I’ve got a list. These subject lines have WORKED for me. They don’t just get opened; they get responses, moving deals forward.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What makes a killer email subject line for sales?
  • Why is a subject line CRUCIAL for sales?
  • How to write subject lines that SLAY
  • Subject lines for cold emails
  • Follow-up email subject lines
  • Subject lines for the unresponsive
  • Meeting request subject lines
  • Do’s and Don’ts of crafting sales email subject lines

What Makes a Good Email Subject Line for Sales?

A good subject line cuts through the noise. It GRABS attention. A bad one? Ignored. Deleted. Junk folder.

Your subject line needs to stand out. But keep it real. Authentic. Positive. Not overly sales-y. Examples coming your way soon.

Why is a Subject Line Important for Sales?

email subject line

It’s the FIRST thing people see. It’s your foot in the door. Cold-emailing or following up, your subject line MUST spark interest.

I chat with sales leaders and business owners all the time. One thing’s clear: They don’t need more emails. They need BETTER emails.

Generic subject lines? Boring. Unique, attention-grabbing ones? GOLD.

How to Write Subject Lines for Sales

Brevity, personalization, urgency. That’s the magic formula. Add a sprinkle of creativity, a dash of levity. Track your open and response rates. Analyze. Adapt.


  • Grab attention. Hit them with something relevant: an opportunity, industry news, or kudos on recent work.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Six or seven words. Or 50 characters. Capture attention FAST.
  • Be positive. Create opportunity and value. Example: “Generating more sales in Q2.”
  • Personalize it. Treat your prospect like an individual.
  • Make it timely and relevant. Answer: “why now?” “why me?” and “why my industry?”
  • Focus on a problem. Address their problem. Offer a solution.

10 Types of Sales Email Subject Lines

These examples are your secret weapons. Customize them. Make them yours.

Cold Emails

  1. {Company Name} + {Prospect Name}
    • Tailors to a specific person at a specific company.
  2. {Goal or problem}
    • Grabs attention by addressing a problem.
    • Example: “Motivating your sales team”
  3. {Shared interest, problem, new solution}
    • Connect, empathize, and offer a solution.
    • Example: “ChatGPT, lost productivity, writing sales emails”
  4. {Referral} recommended I reach out
    • Builds trust and credibility.
  5. {One word}
    • Intriguing and concise.
    • Example: “Thoughts?”
  6. {Question about a timely topic}
    • Shows you value their expertise.
    • Example: “How are you handling abandoned cart rates?”
  7. Will you be my plus one?
    • Invites them on a journey.
  8. X things smart {prospect’s role}s do
    • Appeals to their desire to excel.
  9. Can I help?
    • Example: “Can I help with retention solutions?”
    • Signals you’re focused on solutions.
  10. Looking for input?
    • Shows you’re open to feedback, building trust.

There you have it. Your guide to writing subject lines that actually get opened. Go ahead, make those inboxes sing!





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